Webinar: High resolution landscape information for environmental and production wins

When and where

  • Ticket to Webinar: High resolution landscape information for environmental and production wins

  • $0.00



  • $80.00



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What we will cover

  • The significant influence of the landscape on water quality outcomes
  • The opportunities for both environmental improvement and production gains when using high resolution radiometric survey information and soil mapping in lowland and hill country settings

Explore the significant influence of the landscape when it comes to both environmental outcomes and production opportunities. The same factors that cause environmental degradation are often the same factors that limit yield or production. During this webinar we will look at case study examples of lowland and hill country areas that have utilised high resolution radiometric survey data to identify their strengths and weaknesses, prioritise where investments to mitigate environmental impacts will be most effective, and to identify where and how improvements in production can be achieved.


Dr. Clint Rissmann
Clint is an Earth Systems specialist, with a diverse background in soils, soil biogeochemistry, environmental toxicology, geomorphology, geology, hydrogeology, and fluid chemistry. Clint specialises in the conceptualisation of natural systems and leads the technical direction of the project team. Clint holds a Doctorate in Fluid Chemistry and Hydrogeology from the University of Canterbury, and a Masters of Science in Hydrogeology and Aqueous Geochemistry from the University of Texas. clint@landwatersci.net

Poppy Hardie
Poppy is an Agri-Science Communicator with 10+ years’ experience in the design and print industry as a graphic designer, team and business leader. She previously worked as a Catchment Coordinator for Thriving Southland supporting farmer-led catchment groups, and operates a sheep & beef farming business alongside her husband. Poppy holds a diploma in Computer Graphic Design. poppy@landwatersci.net


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